Mon / 19 June 2017
Reed Anderson at Gallery 16
You know that large piece Heavy Metal Jasper Rhapsody, 2015 (a Reed Anderson original at Jasper that measures 92 x 77 inches, made of acrylic and collage on paper) that has greeted residents and guests since we opened our doors? We’re excited to share exciting news that The Reed Anderson art exhibition “Ghost Flags and Flower Paintings” is coming to Gallery 16 from July 7 – August 31, 2017. Gather neighbors and attend opening night: Friday, July 7th from 6-9 pm.
Ghost Flags and Flower Paintings is the artist’s second solo show with Gallery 16. The exhibition synthesizes two recent bodies of work, Anderson’s exuberant cut paper paintings and his new investigations into flag making. Read all about the upcoming show via Gallery 16.
Making things by hand every day. Reed Anderson draws from a background of printmaking, popular culture and painting. The heart of Reed’s current body of work uses large pieces of intricately cut paper as a stencil, which is folded and painted upon itself multiple times to create an image. Paper that has been cut out of these drawings are further embellished and collaged into the larger drawing, while smaller artworks arise from detritus printed elsewhere while working. This growing organic mass, with interconnections and offsprings, is both a map of how he works and the product of the work itself. View two of his newest works that may remind you a bit of Heavy Metal Jasper Rhapsody…

Reed Anderson
Pleasure Fountain, 2016–2017
Acrylic on cut paper mounted to canvas
72 x 67 inches (182.9 x 170.2 cm)

Reed Anderson
Gothic WASP, 2016–2017
Acrylic on cut paper mounted to canvas
72 x 67 inches (182.9 x 170.2 cm)
The Gallery 16 space is located on the ground floor of a historic building at the corner of Bryant and Third Street (501 Third Street), just 0.5 miles from Jasper. The gallery was founded in 1993 by artist Griff Williams with the primary focus of representing and advocating for the work of living contemporary artists. Gallery 16 is active internationally as well as locally, working with individual collectors and museums alike in support of artists including Michelle Grabner, Reed Anderson, Tucker Nichols, Jason Middlebrook, Libby Black, Amy Franceschini, and others.
In addition to the regular exhibition schedule, the gallery sponsors artists talks, and hosts performances and music throughout the year. Gallery 16 is open Tuesday to Friday 10am–5pm and Saturday 11am–5pm.
Enjoy this candid conversation with Reed that gives some insight into the body of work shown at the upcoming exhibit:
How many works will be on display?
13-14 pieces will be at the gallery, all larger work. The final number that gets shown, I leave to the Gallery.
What was the inspiration behind the ghost flags?
There is an overall climate that comes together to create inspiration.
This is important.
More and more we are sending and receiving signals by means of changing flags. Revision of identity by means of semaphore feels more relevant today than it has been in my lifetime.
And there is this…
When I was a kid, I learned to sail at this little yacht club in Ontario, Canada. Much of the Spinnaker nylon for these flags and their earlier counterparts came from there. The material made for a perfect conduit to embrace a geometry and simplicity that has been at the base of my work for years.
And then this…
I made a painting in 2003 called Ghost Infinity, a minimal monochromatic oil painting on canvas. I knew when I finished it that it was a glimpse into a future, and for that reason I have always kept it around. That painting is the physical father of these flags.
What’s your process for naming art pieces?
It’s whatever feels good in the mouth.
Is there a piece from this new body of work that stands out as the perfect fit for a Jasper residence?
If you like it, it’s probably right for you. If you hate it, what could be better… You never know. What principle element is a relationship.
…I didn’t like many of my favorite artworks when I first saw them.
I find it peculiar when you walk into an apartment and there isn’t any art. I am quite serious about this. A home without art is like a home without chairs, there is no place to take off your coat and have a discussion.
It’s not about something expensive, or what others think is “important”, but more that art changes the way you see your life. It has a magic that works on you, that is beyond you. Living with art has that effect.
Try it, you’ll like it.
Do you find any of your work difficult to part with?
Yeah… We have Flag 1 in our bedroom …my wife wouldn’t give that up for the show.
Aside from being a really great guy, Reed’s Instagram feed is wildly beautiful, give it a follow here: @iamreed
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